A Life Of Intent

Most of us live a life that happens to us.

Do you fall asleep in front of the TV at night, sleeping as well as a TV narrated dream cycle can be, just to wake up at 2am and transition to your bed? Or maybe you never even make it to your bed.

Do you wait until your stomach grumbles uncomfortably to then go in autopilot, get up, go to the kitchen to catch up to the needs of your body?

Have your friends heard you complain about all of the ways your career pains you, how your boss makes your life harder, your co workers shrink you down, and yet you get up and do the same work day after day?

Most of us operate on a series of habits and behaviors instead of purposeful decisions.

'Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' -Carl Jung

Have you ever paused, stepped back and thought critically about how your day to day operates? Most of us have not. And if you are in that majority, you certainly do not know what weighs you down. You don't know what truly makes you angry, what unnerves you, what truly sucks your energy from you.

Living a life of intent means you choose not to accept what you already have. It means choosing not to settle with what you have become accustomed to as normal. It is choosing to become more than those behaviors. It is choosing to tap into you larger potential, feel your successes, see them manifest more often, and truly enjoy this life that we have.

It isn't an easy task, and more often than not, requires help. Coaching is the support, guidance and foresight to help you achieve that which you had been blind to, and that which was holding you back from your goals. Coaching is the step many people use to catapult them into a trajectory of gratitude, progress and achievement. You will no longer be dwelling in a life happening to you, but instead leading the life you want.

Most of us operate on a series of habits and behaviors instead of purposeful decisions.

'Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' -Carl Jung

Have you ever paused, stepped back and thought critically about how your day to day operates? Most of us have not. And if you are in that majority, you certainly do not know what weighs you down. You don't know what truly makes you angry, what unnerves you, what truly sucks your energy from you.

Living a life of intent means you choose not to accept what you already have. It means choosing not to settle with what you have become accustomed to as normal. It is choosing to become more than those behaviors. It is choosing to tap into you larger potential, feel your successes, see them manifest more often, and truly enjoy this life that we have.

It isn't an easy task, and more often than not, requires help. Coaching is the support, guidance and foresight to help you achieve that which you had been blind to, and that which was holding you back from your goals. Coaching is the step many people use to catapult them into a trajectory of gratitude, progress and achievement. You will no longer be dwelling in a life happening to you, but instead leading the life you want.


A Gift For All Women